
Hysteroscopy (Gr. Hystero - uterus, scopeo - look around) expanded diagnostic and surgical capabilities gynecologists. With hysteroscopy possibly via a thin instrument to enter into the uterine cavity optical device, and then to inspect all parts of the uterus. The biggest advantage of this procedure is that it allows so accurate diagnosis of existing diseases that hysteroscopy difficult to compete as rentgenissledovaniyam and ultrasonic testing.

Pathology in which we use hysteroscopy:

01 Violation of the menstrual cycle (especially - bleeding).

02 Suspected abnormalities of the uterus (fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis, malformation, adhesions in the uterus., A foreign body in the uterus, and endometrial cancer)

03 Miscarriage in the early stages.

04 Infertility.

05 Intrauterine contraception - IUD (coil).

Hysteroscopy is performed in a hospital, as it relates to giving anesthesia. But after the operation the patient was discharged home in the shortest time. If a diagnostic hysteroscopy, usually on the same day. And even if there was interference, then, depending on its size - 2-3 days.
